Loudly Here


Some important things in our lives are meant to be done alone. And for these


“Some feelings need to be let out and some words need to be said, though many times, they don't need to be told to the specific person.

Some things that I will say might hurt them, or will make people who are close with me feel worry about me. And that will become another burden.


“I’m just a random person :)”

“Are you? Well I’m just a random person as well.”

“Yep. But you are my most favorite one. :)”


#stranger #soulmates

“White is not always white ya.”

“Tell me about white?”

“If you look long enough to white ceiling, you’ll see colors in your eyes. Beautiful colors. Moving beautiful colors. Lol.”

“Those are colors from our mind.”

“That’s…nice. Colors from our mind :’)”

“Yes. Not all people can see. Even the dark one. Like an art, it is so subjective. :)”

“Yes. Our art :’)”

#stranger #soulmates

“If loneliness attracts other loneliness, will it still be called as loneliness?”

“It will still. Cause loneliness never has anything to do with togetherness.”

“And what should we call two loneliness that attracts each other?”

“Beautiful deadly disaster.”

#stranger #loneliness