Loudly Here


“People talk about living in the moment like it is some kind of goal. What does that mean?”

“I think it means you are not being weighed down by the things that you are thinking you should be doing.”

“Oh c'mon. That is impossible. There is no such thing as that.”

“I mean, like while you were singing, you didn’t feel it?”

“Feel what?”

“Like, while you were singing, that was all that existed. Like all your worries just dissapear.”

“People can spend their whole lives doing that. Waiting for that feeling. Trying to find that feeling over and over. And in the end, everybody gets it. We wait our whole lives for something and we get it. And you know what it is?”


“It’s Death.”

  • I’ll See You In My Dreams.

#death #life

Even the death has a heart. It knew it has taken the very best of life, and it loves life to its’ death.

But the death of death,