Loudly Here


Everything is a result of what I choose to do or not do. Nothing and no one could make me do things better (or worse), more than what I believe I can do.

If self love is about embracing what I deserve and feeling good about myself, then self respect is about


I was talking to a friend about a book that I currently read and about the childhood trauma part, when that realization came to me;

Something 'bad' that happened, cut us too deep, and left scars within us, is not a trauma. It was just another less favourable events of life.

What then turns it into a traumatic experience was


Some important things in our lives are meant to be done alone. And for these


“I'm not looking for someone better. But yes, I'm always looking for people who could challenge and make me wanna be a better me.

I used to wish that we could see love and commitment as tools to grow our characters into our best version.

But now I realized, none of it matters in the end.


Some women don't need to be saved, are not meant to be owned, and never suitable to be kept hidden in the dark. Some women light their own torches and carry their own swords. And be sure, these women are not the ones that will need you to stay.

#life #honesty #selfrespect #selflove

Lost is when one has a destination that he/she is heading to, but don't know how or which way to reach it.

When you have no destination and no obligation to be arrived, I don't think we call that as lost?

What if the world is your home, instead of one particular address?

What if all of the strangers that you meet are your journey friends, instead of someone who just happened to be bumped into?

What if happiness is never about to have or to be? What if life is never about becoming, but more to linking?

One soul in such a large universe.

One lifetime.

How far could you go? How deep could you understand? How many lives could you touch and connected with? How content and alive could you be?

Not all who wanders are lost.

Like it or not, life always finds its way to you.

#life #honesty #selflove

“Let's be real. Most people won't understand us. A few might will understand a bit. And honestly, I don't even give a fuck wether they understand me or not.

All I need is for me to understand myself. And people who could make me understand myself better, even if they don't understand me at all, they are my angels.”

#life #selflove #selfrespect #honesty

“I don't really see anyone's life as better, worse, happier, sadder, messier, or whatever, and simply see them all as different one to another.

I simply see anyone who are still alive till this time, as one that is still trying to be happy and be alive with his/her own ways for his/her own reasons. Otherwise, he/she won't be here right now lol.

Neither do I try to compare my life with anyone's. I'm just feeling grateful with what I have, how far that I've walked this life, and hopeful for what I will become.

To really focus on how best I could live and be, without the needs to compare, other than with the life that I had yesterday.”

#selflove #selfrespect #happiness

Make time to design your life.

Maybe it is true that when we are looking, somehow the universe will give the way to the answers.

These past few years, we've met and talked with random strangers, mostly accidentally, and somehow each of them opened the door for us to new things and just like connecting dots, leading us to see life much differently.


Affirmation does work. Goal map or life map does work, too. You could really ask something from the universe.

It doesn't come to you like magic instantly, well..sometimes it is in special case, but let's just take the majority that it comes in progress.