Kadang kupikir hidup itu seperti funambulism tanpa jaring penyelamat. Lalu ketika tali yg kulalui semakin menipis dan bergetar hebat, aku dengan paniknya berusaha menggapai udara.
Kalau kamu pernah mencobanya, kamu pasti tau betapa menakutkannya itu. Meraih apa yg kamu tau tak ada, tapi kamu berharap keras ada, di saat kamu paling membutuhkannya.
Mungkin hidup yg tak dipertaruhkan memang takkan pernah dimenangkan, tapi
It’s like being in the middle of a party, surrounded by all the people that I know. Crowded, cheerful, and all. Yet I smiled coz I’m all alone.
And suddenly it’s like the time was stop,
Seperti menelungkupkan seluruh tubuhku.
Rata dengan kasur tanpa bersisa celah sedikitpun.
Dengan satu tangan memeluk perutku dan satu tangan lagi dibiarkan tergeletak entah.
Pasrah memejamkan mata dalam diam dan hangat.
Dan perlahan bernafas dengan teratur.
Seperti itu kamu membuatku merasa.
Tak nyata namun ada.
When you see my weaknesses,
that’s because I let you to.
When you feel my sadness,
that’s because I show you.
When you witness my sorrow,
that’s because I trust you to.
When you find me rely on you,
that’s because I believe in you.
you will only see my happiness.
Memories work like ripples of water that goes along the river to the sea.
The drop has long been gone, but the ripples stay for a long time and the feeling echoes through the vibrations of the soul.
And the memory of you, is like an endless ripples. I wonder when will it be ended.
Once upon a time you stole my soul,
with your hands holding my bare back tight,
you took me down to touch the deep deep sea,
in between the darkness and the silence,
you sparked the fireworks inside me.
Once upon a time you stole my kiss,
my true love’s kiss.
And since then,
I knew that there will never be a happy ending.
#life #love #memories
“I never kissed someone because they are attractive. I kiss someone because words can no longer accurately express my feelings for the person.”
Kadang, aku begitu ingin memelukmu. Jangan tanya kenapa, karena itu yg kurasa.
Kadang, pada kata – katamu terbaca sepi. Kamu terasa sepi. Hadirmu bahkan membuat hilangmu semakin menusuk. Kamu tak benar – benar berada di sana. Sepimu mengusik ku, dan aku tak tahan merasakannya.
The ghost who wanders in a translucent world, singing the same lullaby over and over again.
The past is never where I think I left it behind, the future is never where I think I would be, and the present is never really a present.
I’ve left you thousand times in my head.
Sometimes, something stops you for a while.
Then the memories play back,
like the black and white movie,
or there is a hint of faded colors,
blurry yet vividly images,
took you away from where you are now..
from the people and your surroundings.
And sometimes, it changes you, too.
We all are the time travellers of our own.