Loudly Here

For all of the feelings I refuse to deny, and all of the memories I refuse to forget.

I often walk to the bookstore randomly and walk through the aisles without any particular book to find. I stop suddenly where I feel like stopping, pick any random book that catch my attention, open any random page and read it.

Or randomly pick a movie without reading the review first and just watch it straight away. Or walking


Kamu seperti kenangan yang tak asing di hatiku. Setiap ingatan tentangmu menghentikan beberapa detik ku, membuatku memandang kejauhan dan menghela nafas.

Ada rasa lega di sana. Ada juga rasa rindu. Ada seulas senyum, dan juga pejaman mata. Mungkin aku sedikit tersipu, atau mungkin aku hanya merasa lucu. Entahlah.

Kamu seperti


You thought you were flying high. Reaches the sky and out into freedom. It felt so real. It felt so right. It felt so alive.

Yet you were only trapped into a bigger cage. Trapped together with the like minded. Cause the mind is the real cage. And the thoughts will never be free.

You are trapped into this life.


Tak seperti udara yg ada untuk kau hirup, angin ada bukan untuk kau peluk.

Maka ketika ia bertiup, rasakan dan biarkan matamu sejenak menutup. Lupakan tentang


“I wanna see the inside of your mind. Every. Single. Thing. That’s how I love and posses you. Consciously.”


Sometimes I don’t want to answer. Sometimes I don’t even want to know the question. Cause most of the time, I know how it will be in the end, and those questions don’t really matter anymore.


I don’t understand how someone could really leave a mark so deep in the heart, that it becomes impossible to just forget the name for a day.


“If I should ever fall in love, I will fall hard to the one who could break mine and crush it fine.”



There are two types of people in this world. Those who strive to be right all the time, and those who strive to be true all the time.

Which one are you?


“The truth is, being in a relationship can be the loneliest thing you’ve ever been. And the worst part was, you realize that no one can save you from that situation. No one can be there for you, even if they actually want to. You are all alone and lonely.

Then there were