Will You Pay The Price Of Freedom?

Freedom is never cheap, but almost anything in this life that we want (and we could only imagine for now), has a price that we could pay to have it.

And the real question is never “How much?”. Instead, it is almost always; “Am I willing to pay for it?”

One of my close friends is a CFO at a multinational company. Few of our other friends are kind of envying her, saying of how lucky she is.

I then asked them, whether they are willing to wear double eyelashes extention everyday and touch them up every two weeks just to maintain a professional look? (For you who don't know anything about eyelashes extention, it does make the eyelashes look longer and make your eyes look bigger and prettier, but they are very uncomfortable, and could be itchy plus annoying at most times. Wearing a single layer is already a torture for me that I could only stand it for a week, let alone wearing two layers. Most women wear them to save some make up time and look presentable professionally almost instantly.)

They all said no almost instantly and complained of how uncomfortable that will be. And I said, “Well, too bad. Cause that so happen is only a very tiny price that she pays to maintain a small part of her performance. Just the professional look part. Imagine what she should pay for her overall brainy decisions and bold performance in the company.”

You may have heard this many times, “We all know the only way to go to heaven is to die, but how many of us are willing to die?”

The price of freedom is ego. As long as you could maintain your ego low, freedom is almost always attainable and available for you. But how low are you willing to push your ego?

Some people said ego is align with the numbers you have, but I disagree with that. Ego has nothing to do with numbers and money. It has to do with self-value only. No matter how small or big the number you have, if your self-value is on minus, you will never have a taste of freedom, at all.

Ironically, the price of everything is actually for us to determine, yet we and we alone, are the ones who made it so unattainable for us.

Self note.

#life #honesty #thoughts #freedom