If We Have To

If we have to be together forever, I hope it won't be just for love. I hope it will be for growth and wisdom the most.

I hope we won't stop challenging ourselves to be better, as a couple, as partners, and as an individual the most.

I hope we will never be settle or feel the comfort of being one. I hope we won't stop questioning and redefining our purposes and goals. I hope we find the comfort in challenges, changes and progress instead.

If we have to be together forever, it should be for something that will inspire us for the rest of our lives.

For all of the differences that we have and embrace well. For all of the fights and tears that we have gone through and matured us. For all of the things that we have lost, replaced, and rebuilt.

If we have to be together forever, it will never be because of we are afraid to be apart and alone.

It will be only because we know no one makes us better and none could match us best than we are to one another.

#love #life #honesty