Loudly Here


It's like playing the same music all over, again and again, hoping to feel less and less about it, that one day it won't feel anything anymore to us.

That it left only one question;


“If love is only a matter of the right person, at the right time and the right place, then


“Loneliness is the price that I have to pay to believe that I will never be alone.

Being alone is the price that I have to pay to feel enough about myself.


“I love the stars. I love stargazing.”

“I love stars too, but mostly I love the darkest night with no star at all.”

“Oh ya? Don't know why but it feels kinda sad.”

“Maybe it is. Sad. Anyway, stargazing. Is it possible to do it here?”

“Here? I don't think so. But I'm not from here. Just moved here last month. But it seems that I did a wrong move to move here.”

“Why so? Too lonely?”

“Mungkin itu salah satunya. Terlalu banyak manusia di sini, akhirnya zona private tiap orang jadi terganggu. Alasannya ya karena metropolitan, hidup manusia jd seperti robot.”


The one I am looking for, is not the one who will always stay by my side. It is the one who will go far, far enough to let me know about things that I couldn’t see from where I stand, and always find his way back home, to me.

The one that, no matter who he slept with,