
If I have a daughter, I will not read her bedtime stories about princess and the prince charming. I will never put marriage as her ultimate happiness of life. Instead I will tell her stories about traveling around the world. About the fighters and achievers. About life that is beyond the dreams.

I will not buy her dolls and dresses. Instead I will buy her tickets to different places, travel with her and then when the time has come, let her travel alone to find herself.

I will let her dance through the rain. To be sick and healed. To be wet and dirty. To pursue whatever dream she might have. To be happy and appreciate the nature and the people. To fight for what she deserves. To have a real fight with a boy. To learn archery and lapidary.

I will never be by her side always. I will let her be alone and be friends with solitude. I will teach her to see beyond what is seen. To have her own world inside her mind and herself. To travel beyond the mortal body through books and thoughts. To be self reliant and self dependable. To be happy with life and with herself only.

So that when everything goes wrong, she will always know that she is going to be alright, everything is going to be fine, cause she has all that she needs, her own hero; herself.

— And she will never be afraid of the dark cause she knows, certain darkness is needed for a star to shines.

#daughter #life #love