About Loudly Here

I’ve been writing for a long time, and have deleted most of my old writing accounts for so many times, and yet here I am, writing still.

You'll find some of my thoughts here, or some of others' thoughts, or some of our short and long conversations, and some of the conversations that I overheard, in this blog.

Try to understand things from what's been said, and not by considering of who said them.

Read it only when you are free and ready, best before you fall asleep. Make it as part of your sanctuary, but don’t get drowned here. Feel fine with your life.

If possible, do not judge and question. Just try to enjoy it the way it is. As some questions don’t need to be answered, and some answers don’t need to be understood, things will still remain the way it is and the way it should be.

Do let your heart to rule at night time when you read this, as our mind has been taking over too much of you at daytime.

Thank you.

— LOUDLY HERE For all of the feelings that I refuse to deny, and all of the memories that I refuse to forget. 

PS: The timeline of the posts are not align, some will be old writings and some will be new writings. Everything is set randomly here. :)